student chapters

Want to grow in your faith and in your love towards others?

You’re not alone.

Join a community of practice that will give you lifelong friendships and spur you on toward love and good deeds.

Partnerships let us dream bigger and do more.

We partner with leading charities including International Justice Mission and global water charities to mobilize students to do justice and love mercy. We support three kinds of chapters: IJM Chapters, Water Clubs, and Simple Charity Chapters.

All kinds of chapters participate in Journey of Generosity retreats and Bible studies.

Fight human trafficking around the world, right from your campus.

Our IJM chapters pray, advocate, and fundraise to advance the mission of IJM. Students grow professionally and spiritually as they do justice.

Water kills. Save lives and promote development and equity through safe water.

Our Water Clubs raise funds for vetted water charities that have served millions of people. Approximately $50 gives a person made in God’s image safe water.

Learn about global issues, serve locally, and grow in solidarity.

Simple Charity chapters grow in solidarity with people experiencing poverty and injustice. Students choose which causes and charities they want to support.

connect with us

Fill out the form below to get plugged into a college chapter on your campus, or to learn about how you can start one!